Saturday, June 6, 2009

400 miles of junk and Ray LaMontagne

Today is the 400 mile Yard Sale. Yes. Its annual. Every first weekend of June. :| 4-0-0 miles..of yard..sales. Of other people's junk. That they no longer want anymore. God knows how many people have pawed through it. How many dirty grubby hands have touched this vase..or this knickknack. Just grosses me out. I think too much about it. Not like I could go yard sellin' anyhow. I have no money. And no signs of getting more money. Anyways, I'm really tired tonight even though I had a decent amount of sleep. I discovered this artist though tonight. Ray LaMontagne. Check him out. He has an AMAZING voice. Just by looking at him you wouldn't guess such a strong, potent voice would come from him.

I think I'll just leave you with that voice ringing in your ear. Nothing more to say after that video.

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